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Mi, 05.05.21


Podkarls: Derek Twiss

The Podkarls are a collaboration between KOHI Kulturraum and Karlshochschule International University. Each two weeks, the host Eduard Mucha interviews different guests from the Karlshochschule, whether alumni, student, professor, or any other relation. The guests will talk about their passions and interests aswell as arts and culture. Watch the video recordings on the KOHI youtube channel, or find the podkarls podcast channel on apple music and spotify.
This time our guest is Derek Twiss. He studied intercultural communications management. Derek is a drummer and is passionate about all forms of rock and metal scenes, he talks about coming to Germany and discovering the local music culture.
The Podcast in english is a collaboration with KOHI and Karlshochschule.

Die neue Podcastreihe „Podkarls“ ist eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem KOHI und der Karlshochschule. Ob Alumni, Student oder Professor, alle zwei Wochen interviewt Gastgeber Eduard Mucha verschiedene dort tätige Personen. Die Interviewten sprechen über ihre Interessen und Leidenschaften, sowie Kunst und Kultur. Der Podcast ist in englischer Sprache.
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 Instagram karlshochschule
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